純米吟醸 亀治好日 うすにごり 1,800㎖ 鯉川酒造




山形県 鯉川酒造


Alc. 15%

亀治好日うすにごり酒 限定尾瀬あきらラベル


香り穏やかで、マスカットや米麹のニュアンス。サラリとした口当たり。酸味の中に引き立つ甘味、にごり由来のどっしりと旨味の深い味わい。うっすらと、白く濁っています。 香りは穏やかで、口当たりもサラリとしています。 常温からぬる燗くらいが、おススメです。 こってりした、中華料理などと合わせるとグイグイ進みます!

原料米 亀の尾

精米歩合 55%


ちょっと一杯 にっこり二杯 ほめて鯉川三杯目。



Tasting Comment

This junmai ginjo is slightly cloudy and white in color. It has a mild aroma and a smooth mouthfeel.

The cloudiness adds a layer of complexity to the flavor, and it showcases the robust and deep taste of Kame-no-o rice.

It can be served at room temperature or lukewarm.

Also it pairs well with rich dishes such as Chinese foods.

About the brewery

Established in 1725, this brewery is nestled in the scenic Shonai-machi of Yamagata Prefecture.

It is renowned for its revival and cultivation of Kame-no-o rice, one of the three most prized rice varieties in Japan.

Using this rice and other local rice varieties, it produces exquisite junmai sake that matures gracefully and tastes divine when warmed.

It follows the traditional and authentic methods of sake brewing, inspired by the wisdom of Hiroshi Uehara, who said, “Sake is pure rice, and it is even better when heated.”