京都府 向井酒造 / Kyoto Prefecture Mukai Brewery
特別純米酒 / Tokubetsu-Junmai
Alc. 16 %
京の春 大漁旗 R4BY / Kyo-no-Haru Tairyoki R4BY
日本で一番海に近い酒蔵、向井酒造。 京都丹後半島沿いにある伊根町は、古くから漁業が盛んで、家屋の1階が船のガレージ、2階が居室になっている「舟屋」が立ち並びます。この独特の景観は、国の重要伝統的建造物群保存地区に指定されています。 創業1754年(宝暦4年)の向井酒造はそんな舟屋の1つにある老舗蔵。代表銘柄の「京の春」は地元の人たちが魚料理と共に晩酌を楽しむ酒として親しまれています。
It has a creamy aroma with hints of rice malt and a dry and clean mouthfeel.
It balances the sweetness and saltiness of rice with a crisp acidity that refreshes the palate, makes it an ideal match for fish dishes, especially when heated.
About Mukai Brewery
This is a family-owned sake brewery founded in 1754 in Ine, a fishing village in Kyoto. It is the closest sake brewery to the sea in Japan and is located in a traditional boathouse. The brewery is run by a sister-brother team who studied at Tokyo University of Agriculture and trained at Shinkame Shuzo. They brew sake with local rice, natural water, and a focus on quality and simplicity. Their sake goes well with fish dishes and local ingredients. Their representative brand is Kyo-no-Haru, a popular junmai sake for locals. They also make sake with red rice, an ancient and rare varietal that gives a unique color and flavor to their sake.