【量り売り】純米吟醸 亀治好日




山形県 鯉川酒造 / Yamagata Prefecture Koikawa Brewery

純米吟醸 / Junmai-Ginjo

原料米 亀の尾 / Rice type Kameno-o

精米歩合 55% / Polishing 55%

Alc. 15.3%






This junmai ginjo, pure rice sake which the rice has been polished down to 60% (or less) remaining, is brewed using Kameno-o, which is grown in Yome Town, the birthplace of this rice variety.

It has a well-balanced canvas with a clear core, a clean, refreshing taste, yet it has a deep and robust flavor.

It is a sake that can be enjoyed from the beginning to the end of a meal.

When cooled, it has a crisp, bitter and pungent impression, and when it rose to room temperature, it has a pleasantly mellow, sweet and sour taste.