秋田県 稲とアガベ / Akita Prefecture Ine to Agave Brewery清酒 Alc. 13 %稲とリンゴ原料米:秋田県産米、リンゴ、米麹精米歩合:90%(テイスティングコメント)薄いリンゴジュースの様なにごり目な色合い。リンゴの華やかな香り、ジューシーな甘味と酸味が爽やかで心地よく、後味にほんのり感じる苦味が味わいを引締めます。シードルでも日本酒でもない新しい上品な味わい!米と麹とリンゴを発酵させたクラフトサケです。使用しているリンゴは秋田県横手市のクッキングアップルの郷©の皆様の紅の夢という酸味と赤い果肉が特徴のリンゴです。「稲とアガベ」は秋田県男鹿市で2021年の秋に創業したクラフトサケ醸造所です。現在の日本では、日本酒を造るための免許の新規発行が原則認められていません。その為、この醸造所は免許「その他の醸造酒」というのを活用し、モロミを搾らない「どぶろく」もしくは、搾る場合は何か副原料を加える必要があり、ごく少量の副原料を加えて製造します。また原料米は、すべて自然栽培米で自社栽培と契約農家である秋田県大潟村の石山農産のササニシキを使用しています。石山農産のオーナー石山範夫さんは日本で最初に有機JAS認証を受けた自然栽培の第一人者で、託された米の魅力を最大限に活かし、過剰な精米による食品ロスを抑えるべく精米歩合は、食用米と同じ90%で米を最大限に活かし、持続可能なお酒造りに取り組んでいます。This craft saké is a unique blend of rice, koji, and apples. It has a pale and cloudy appearance, reminiscent of apple juice. The aroma is enticing, with notes of fresh and ripe apples. The flavor is well-balanced, with a juicy sweetness and a crisp acidity that refresh the palate. A hint of bitterness lingers in the finish, adding complexity and elegance.This is not a cider or a sake, but a new category of its own!The apples used are Beni no Yume (Red Dream) apples from Cooking Apple no sato© in Yokote City, Akita Prefecture. These apples are known for their red flesh and tartness, which give this saké its distinctive character.Ine to Agave is a new and innovative craft saké brewery that was established in 2021 in Oga, Akita Prefecture. The brewery’s name comes from their use of agave syrup in their signature product.This is due to Japan's current license barrier surrounding sake producers, where issuance of new licenses to brew sake are not permitted.Therefore, they utilize the license of "Other Brewed Alcohol" and produce sake with a very small amount of the secondary ingredients other than rice, or "doburoku" without pressing moromi.This gives them more freedom and creativity to experiment with different recipes and techniques. All their saké is made with naturally grown rice from Ishiyama Farm, the first organic JAS-certified natural rice farm in Japan. The brewery respects the quality of the rice they receive and minimizes food waste by using a low rice milling rate of 90%. Ine to Agave is a brewery that challenges the conventions of saké making and offers a fresh and exciting experience for saké lovers.