【量り売り】玉櫻 生酛 改良雄町 720ml




島根県 玉櫻酒造 / Shimane Prefecture

純米 熟成 / Junmai aged sake

原料米 改良雄町 / Rice type Kairyo-Omachi

精米歩合 70% / Polishing 70%

Alc. 15%



Beautifully aged kimoto sake, a traditional natural fermentation method, it has an enchanting mellow, caramelized, boiled down soy sauce-like aroma.

The taste has in-depth, refreshing acidity, and a slight hint of saltiness, with a pleasant astringency in the aftertaste.

A rich, complex and vibrant character will rise when heated, it becomes more mellow, with sharp acidity and dryness that deepens the flavor and gives it a crisp, clean taste.